Turning Feeding Challenges into Feeding Victories

When your child struggles with eating it can be difficult to know what to do. Children with eating/feeding challenges are often very picky eaters with limited diets and self-imposed rules around eating and trying new foods. They often do not enjoy mealtimes. 

At the Pediatric Development Center (PDC) we will help you sort out the reasons behind your child’s eating/feeding challenges. There may be medical, motor, sensory, social, or learned thoughts or behaviors that are making eating and mealtimes difficult for your child. Once we have a better understanding of the possible reasons behind your child’s feeding issues, a plan to help your child can be put into place. At PDC our goal is not to just help your child learn to eat; our goal is to help your child learn to enjoy and feel confident around eating. This starts with the therapist building a positive relationship with your child. A relationship that is  rooted in respect and trust.  

Feeding therapy is a journey. It’s important for families to recognize that eating is a complex skill and like all complex skills, learning to eat requires instruction, time, and repetition. Furthermore, current eating habits and mealtime routines were often developed over the course of many years. Changing these habits and routines will take time. During the course of feeding therapy, you as a parent will  learn effective techniques and strategies to help your child. Although your child may never be an adventurous eater, he or she can enjoy mealtimes, feel comfortable around new or non-preferred foods, and learn to eat a wider variety of foods. 

Neither you nor your child should dread mealtimes. If your child has a limited diet and struggles with eating and trying new foods, please contact us to schedule a feeding evaluation. We can conduct the feeding evaluation through teletherapy and have been having great success with feeding therapy through virtual teletherapy sessions.


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