Infant Services
Helping Your Little One Do Big Things!

Early intervention is so important. Together we can make a real difference!
Nursing, Bottling, and Feeding Progression
Our therapists work in conjunction with lactation consultants and dentists. We are experts in oral coordination development to support and facilitate successful nursing and bottle feeding. As your infant moves through each new and exciting stage of feeding development from nursing and bottles to purees, chewables, and table foods, we’ve got you!
Motor Development
From rolling over to walking, from grasping a rattle to learning to feed themselves, occupational therapy helps infants strengthen their muscles and coordination so that they can achieve new motor skills. This allows your little one to explore the world and sets the stage for future skill development. We will also work closely with you to ensure consistent progress at home.
Through gentle exercises and specialized techniques, we help infants with torticollis gain optimal head positioning and movement. Parents are included in the treatment process to ensure continued progress at home.
Mommy/Daddy-Infant Classes
Meet other parents and infants through our fun and educational parent-infant classes. Classes are led by a speech-language pathologist or occupational therapist and are offered in 4-week sessions. Check out the FOR YOU section above or call our office at 301-869-7505 to learn when the next session is starting.
Tummy Time Class
Learn to facilitate tummy time success that is enjoyable for both you and your infant. This class is specifically designed to meet the unique needs of infants to promote optimal health, development, and social engagement.
Happy Belly Class
Learning to eat is fun! Learn to use our playful approach to introduce new, age-appropriate foods which will allow babies and parents to experience the joy and developmental benefits of early food exploration. Class sessions will provide information on easy-to-make recipes, recommended utensils and toys, and feeding guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable family mealtime.

Ready to fly?
If you’re ready to learn more and start the path to feeding victories, contact us today!