Speech-Language Therapy
The Power of Words.

Communication is key to connection. Work with licensed and certified Speech-Language Pathologists in treatment sessions that create connection.
Language Processing Skills
Social Thinking Skills
Articulation Skills
Academic Foundations
Let’s play as we
integrate new skills!
Play-Based Philosophy
Just like communication, play is fluid, reciprocal and social. It is joyful and bursting with natural consequences and challenges.
Creative, Active, and Engaging
Through play-based sessions, children use flexible thinking and collaboration.
Hands-On Problem Solving
Children use their whole bodies to move and create and explore. Language-learning is relevant and applies to daily living.
Meeting Your Child at Their Level
Our therapists meet the child at a level where they can participate and support them as they “try on” new skills.
“Our speech therapist has been a blessing to our family and has been a fundamental role in our son’s success today. She continues to educate my husband and me with different techniques that we implement at home every single day. We were very happy to see an improvement in our son’s speech in such a short period of time, but having a special needs child the best results are the ones you get to see “how far you come in time”. We are so happy that we can continue to have her by our side in this challenging journey and celebrate together even the smallest accomplishments because they are so rewarding at the end.”
-PDC Mom

Ready to fly?
If you’re ready to learn more and start the pediatric therapy journey with your child, contact us today!